Okay so Keigan wanted to do a "mini photo shoot" and this is what we ended up with! One of these days I would like to enter her in some photo shoots I am sure they have them here in Arlington LETS see! Anyways here are the finished product of my little love bug!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Hunting Trip
Okay so I went to Franklin Nebraska with my father in law Bryan and husband Hunter. We left on Thursday the 10th and got there the 11th. We set our blinds out and sat on top of a hill so we could see lots of country. We saw a bunch of deer that day...but it was Friday...opening day was Saturday. Let me just tell you Saturday - Thursday that is 6 days....we hunted 2 times a day... morning and afternoon. 4 hours in morning 4 hours in the evening...that is 8 hours a day that is 48 hours total that I SPENT IN A deer blind...now you know why I am letting my darling husband hunt the OV <- which is our land in West Texas. ANYWAYS! I hunted Saturday morning with my father in law...Saturday evening by myself. Sunday morning I went to a different spot and knew that this was the spot I would shoot my BIG deer! Sunday morning I was with Hunter and we set in a chair blind which is for 1 not 2 but we made it work! We saw 3 doe and that was it. Sunday evening I sat out ready at 2pm. I brought my water, my self, my gun, my tripod, and my binoculars...I was good! Well at 4:15 this big mama doe and her fawn came out and started to eat the alphalpha. About 2 minutes after this little forked horn came out and was kind checking this doe out. Well as soon as he came out they started to look back from where the doe and fawn came from and out WALKED this 8 point. I got ready and kept telling myself "hes bigger in person" he was way bigger then all the deer out there...and I say bigger because his body..he weighed about 230lbs. WAY bigger. So his antlers didn't look as big as a Texas Deer because his body was just massive....Anyways..I see him look at him with my binoculars once get him lined up as he is quartering away from be at about 225-230 yards and I will admit I was a bit excited and I shot and I missed....first time to ever happen to me and I promise the last. Well I shot and he just stood there STIll looking at that doe so I shucked another one in and got lined up good this time and shot! I knew I hit him that time but he jumped up and ran up the trees. I called my father in law and I waited then him and Hunter came out and we looked for about an hour and a half....and nada. We could not find him. I was so bummed and pissed and sad. Anyways...as the boys doubted me all I could think about was the huge deer I had in my scope. I MEAN THAT'S ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT. Anyways so I continued to hunt. My father in law told me I could have hit him but he didn't think he was drying somewhere. That's why I continued to hunt. Well Thursday morning I went and set with Bryan and it was about 15 degrees! It was so cold and we were delirious! But a nice buck came out and he wasn't planning on stopping so Bryan grunted at him at about 125 yards and he stopped and he was head on at me so I shot right below his neck and he ran off. When he ran off it looked like his shoulder was broken. BUT again WE COULDN'T find him.....this time I was just discouraged and didn't want to hunt anymore. I went back to the motel and they talked me into going out that last time. They were walking through these ravines to push something out because I had shot 2 deer and had 0 meet and Hunter hadn't shot anything either! Well as they are looking Bryan sees these crows a bunch of them and comes up on them and whatdyaknow! Its me deer! He had gone about 3quartes of a mile! I was just so happy they found him because I told them I hit him and that he would die somewhere! I just didn't realize how nice his rack was going to be in person! So excited! Yeah I do feel bad that I shot 2 deer and some will say that I should have set out for the rest of the hunt but I don't care! It wasn't their hunt, and they're not me! So just be happy for me because I am!
Friday, November 4, 2011
She cant say her "S's" real well ya know?
PREPARE yourself.....aka as Keigan says "COMPARE YOURSELF PEOPLE!" Okay the title of this blog has to do with not this story but the next story. Yes I have 2. It has been awhile but with Slade, Barbara, and Hunters birthdays and we got deer season starting up and Halloween....we've been incredibly busy REALLY busy! But anyways...I am telling you them now..and brace yourself because I think their funny...and I am sure you will too! So about a week ago Keigan and Hunter where chasing each other around the house and she would throw a ball at him and vice versa...haha they where having a blast and she kept saying "missed me missed me". So I said "Keigy baby, you're suppose to say missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me" haha. LOL. So she runs in here and throws the ball and him and says "Daaeey, missed me missed me now you gotta give me shhhhhhuuuuuugggggeeeee" hahahaha she got it all wrong but still got the point across! Okay so that was my first story. Keigan is OBSESSED with Pistol Annie's "Hell On Heels" song...she knows who sings it and everything and loves when I turn it on off the Ipod! Anyways.....so Keigan asked to listen to it last night AGAIN so I handed her my Ipod and stuck the earplugs in her ears and this is what is SUPPOSE to sound like.......... "I'm hell on heels, say what you will, I done made the devil a deal, he made me pretty, he made me SMART, and I'm gonna break me a million hearts, I'm hell on heels....and baby I'm coming for you" so that is what the chorus goes like and the very ending differs from that to "sugar daddy I'm coming for you" but anyways Keigan is listening to the earphones and says " I'm ell on eeeels say what you will I done done done devil da deeeee, he made me pwwety he made me FART, I'm da da da million hearts, I'm ell on eeeeels and SUUUUUUGAR DAEEEEEEY I'm coming for yooooou" hhahahaha gotta love this kid! She keeps me laughing...I blame her when my wrinkles are so bad and I want to throw money at plastic surgeons!
Friday, October 28, 2011
my hilarious kiddo
So last night my kiddo runs to her bedroom and comes to the living room and is wearing....JUST SHORTS. She has no shirt on, no socks, no shoes....and her shorts are extremely tight haha. Her Daddy asked "could you find some more spandexxy shorts?" She looks at him and says "nope, I don't have any spandex" Well I told her eventually she needed to go "get her shirt on her jawmmy shirt on its kinda cold and its almost bed time" she looks at me with BIG sad EYES and says "but mamma. but mamma I AM fixin to do push ups with my Daddy" so therefore the reason she was wearing just shorts...cause that is what her Daddy wears when he works out at night lol. ANYWAYS! So Hunter was being an ass last night and he kept on and kept on bugging the shit out of me and Keigan both lol! So I looked at him and said "STOP being a butt....I WANTED to say more but there is little ears so I wont" lol! About that time Keigan looks up at her Daddy and says "stop...or evwyone will think you're a djuuurk" I said "what did you say Keigan?" She said "you know djuuurky beef! He is acting like a djurrky beef!" hahahahahahaha we all laughed so hard! I sure do love my hilarious kiddo!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom - you know the song
Okay so we are looking at the "Chase Freedom" card and all the good stuff that come with it. You sign you get like 5%back...well this month and like until December I think its 5% back on dinning, department stores, charity and something else. So I am telling my oh so sweet husband you know we should really really look into to this I mean look at it this way... Christmas is coming up and it would be great spending at DEPARTMENT stores...yeah? He looks at me and says "why?" I said because you are getting 5% BACK! That's huge! They are paying you to buy stuff baby! He says to me "woooooh oooh you got it all wrong sweet stuff" I say no no no I am looking at the positive side of it ya know? He says "nope you look at it as you spend a 100$ and they give you 5$.....no you should look at it as were spending 95 freakin dollars!" hahahaha you can tell he is the "glass is half empty kinda guy" and I'm a "the glass if is half full kinda gal" =)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Uh...we should probably keep that to ourselves =)
So this evening we decided we were going to go eat at Taco Bell (since Keigan had practically begged us for about a week to do). As we are leaving, we are pulling out of the garage, Hunter shuts the garage door and we are out at the end of the culdasack and we look over and who do we see??? We see our neighbor kid...and he is just standing there...looking at us reaching up at the tree....pretty much being a creeper. I don't know if I have told you lovely people this but that neighbor's dad is the one that asked to borrow Hunters pick up just 2 weeks after we lived here to go dump leaves, he also roams trough Hunters shop when Hunter comes in the house to do random stuff, they also like to smoke cigarettes in our drive way (when they have their own), they walk their dog by OUR fence when they HAVE a yard, we heard a knock one Christmas Eve and went the front door and there was no one there then we heard it again...he walked through our garage to knock on OUR GARAGE door....I find that a little odd.. YOU CAN WALK through my garage when you are family or some of our friends...NOT our creepy neighbors! ANYWAYS <- yeah I just had to fill y'all in so now I can finish this story haha! Okay so were leaving for Taco Bell and we see this kid and Hunter is like "creep...man they are so creepy just chilling waiting for us to catch them doing something". I look at him and I am like "Babe, you cant say this kind of stuff in front of Keigy, because were going to have to talk to him one day and Keigan will be like HEY CREEEPY". So we are driving back from Taco Bell and Keigan says in a very low creepy (even for her) voice, "Listen, one time there was this ummm guy he was ummm yeah he was on my street, he was very very cweepy VERY cweepy and he was reaching up cutting the leaves on a tree just looking at us leaving our garage, and he was so cweepy" Hunter and I start dying laughing because we know she is talking about the CREEPY neighbor kid and as were pulling into the drive way she points and loudly says "he was riiiiiighter there being cweepy, cutting our tree....uuhhhh" hahahaha INDEED we should probably not TALK about our neighbors in front of Keigan and also just should probably keep thoughts like that to ourselves haha!
Monday, October 10, 2011
"I believe there are angels among us"
The title of my blog is from the Alabama song "Angels among us"
Oh, I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us, from somewhere up above
They come to you and me, in our darkest hours
To show us how to live
To teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love....
Such a beautiful song that is and I believe everyday in Angels. I believe in one certain angel to inparticular. Her name is Camrey Shea Adams and she touched everyone in my families heart in more ways then one.
Camrey was born on May 16 2001. She was loving, kind, gentle, funny, sweet, caring, and she always put a smile on your face. Camrey was born with Williams Syndrome. WS is a rare genetic disorder caused by missing genes. WS occurs in 1 in 10,000 births. Camrey had to have open heart surgery and passed away of heart failure just 4 days later. She left us on October 12, 2009. She was 8. I often think about her and how she use to run around Nannys or how she would compliment you or ask you questions that any other kid would never think to because they dont care....but she did...she wanted to know everything about you and you loved sharing with her..... I think about how amazing her memory was, and how beautiful her little heart was, and I also think about how much we miss her....and always will. She truly taught my entire family how to live, how to give and her light of love shown the brightest.

Friday, October 7, 2011
Jersey Shore should not be watched my 3 year old
Okay so everyone and their dog knows that Thursday is "Jersday" <- that means you are a Jersey Shore fan and the Davis house hold is! Thursday night Hunter, Cortney, Keigan and I were all watching Jersey Shore. Hunter pauses it for a split second and David the sculpture by Michaelangelo was where it stopped at. If you know from my previous blogs then you know Keigan has been questioning the whole boy part girl part issues. Well he pauses it and BAM what do ya know Keigan says "hey look thats a hanger hoo ha" Cortney, Hunter and myself included all laugh to ourselves and he un pauses it and feels like a really big douche for setting us all up for that one! hahaha!
Anyways so sorry I have been such an awful blogger I promise I pinky square to all my followers which I hope is a lot (lol) to do better! We have just been so stinking busy! Thanks for reading and keeping up with our adorably busy bunchh!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A tear here, a tear there, here a tear, there a tear, everywhere a TEAR TEAR!
Okay so I found my old memory cards for my camera and I came across the pictures....and the water works began! I seriously cried for over an hour! It is amazing how fast the time has gone by. To think that Hunter and I where living in College Station in a RV and just had our little Keigan Jaed. That felt like yesterday....but it wasn't, it was 1,245 days, 107,568,000 seconds, 1,792,800 minutes, 29,880 hours, and about 177 weeks ago. <- yeah that just happened! My baby girl ain't a baby anymore and it breaks my heart. I love her so much and she has made me a better person and continues to do so everyday. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and her daddy! Anyways....more water works haha....here are the pics I came across!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Oh So Infamous Corner
Yeah you saw the title. You are probably thinking that Keigan has to stick her nose in a corner for time out...TIME OUT <- that child laughs in the face of time out! You just gotta pretty much beat her ass for her to know she was bad haha! I'm serious...kinda! Okay down our hallway it turns and there is a corner THE INFAMOUS CORNER. Keigan has hit that thing 2x now! Same spot on her head, same ol corner, same little girl....just different ages! The first time she hit that corner she was 11 months old. It left a huge bump and bruise. The second time she hit that corner was two days ago and she is 3 1/2. Now you woulda never guessed that her lovely Daddy was chasing her in both cases and she turned to run and thought she had cleared that corner and BAMMM... it gets her every time - literally. She is fine now it hurt and we had to put ice on it but she is a little trooper and pretty much the toughest, hard headed, meanest little girl we know!
the infamous corner
keigan 11months old - first incident
keigan 3 1/2 - second incident
Friday, September 9, 2011
Baby Fever
Okay you have hear the term "Beiber Fever" haha well I have "baby fever". Yes its true and if you are all my friends then you know I want another baby. Actually I want a little Hunter =). I think a little boy would complete our little Davis Bunchh. Keigan has probably pushed us in to the baby band wagon with her little pleads of "I just want a babbby brudder?" haha. Yes they are cute and she is cute when she says them lol! I don't know if I have shared this with any of you but I am sure I have, I have a unicornuate uterus. I was diagnosed with this when I was 16 years old. I went to Cancun with Hunters family and I had severe stomach aches or what I thought was stomach aches. Well my mom did radiology and she took me in for a sono to see the inside of my stomach....she is showing "Blaine here's your gall bladder, here's your right kidney, here's you left.....well.....Blaine I don't see your left kidney?"" All worried she calls her friend Marla in and Marla sees the same thing..NO LEFT KIDNEY!! Being 16 it is scary to find out you don't have a kidney where one is suppose to be righttt? Well we schedule an apt with the "lady doc" and she presses on my stomach and I tell her exactly where she is pressing I have pain there. Well she sets me up for a MRI. In the MRI there is a small mass in my left pelvic wall area. She thinks it could be my kidney...just small. She sets me up for a laparoscopy, that is where she goes through my belly button and another small incision to diagnose what the smaller mass is. Well she finds out I sure don't have a kidney....hell I don't even have my uterus on that side. So she finds out I have my right kidney, my right side of my uterus and my right ovary. The small mass that was showing up on the scans is in fact my left ovary. It is sitting in my pelvic wall doing nothing but wasting eggs. So she tells me it will be hard to get pregnant, to keep a baby full term..yadda yadda. Me being 16 all I care about is sports and boys, I could care less about getting pregnant honestly I AM 16!!! Well I get pregnant with Keigan 3 years later, and I am scared very scared, as are my parents! Well I had to get a high risk doctor since I was a high risk pregnancy...well Keigan came a week early and I had a wonderful pregnancy as well as delivery! Now that KEigan is older, and Hunter and I are too...we want another one. Its been kinda hard...We have been trying since Feb 1st. and nothing yet. I get worried that maybe my one ovary is done producing but I pray it isn't. The good thing is having a UU once your 1/2 uterus stretches with your first pregnancy you are able to stretch again however many times so that is a positive! =) I go see my doc at the end of this month and we will see what she says! I know people will say be happy with your one, and stuff like that...but we want another one and we don't care how selfish that sounds if we are both on board as well as Keigan then why not try ya know? Just keep your fingers crossed and pray for us that maybe it will happen sooner then later!
Here is mine
Here it is again
So now you see what I'm working with haha! Fingers crossed and prayers said!!
I don't know how much longer I have so to speak (how many more eggs will be released with my one ovary) so I have left it in Gods hands!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
TV night just got better!
Bones - November 3rd 9/8c
House - October 3rd 9/8c
Raising Hope - September 20th 9:30/8:30c
Fringe - September 23rd 9/8c
Glee - September 20th 8/7c
Sons Of Anarchy - September 6th
Justified - NA yet
Desperate Housewives - September 25th 9/8c
Grey's Anatomy - September 22nd 9/8c
Chuck - October 21st 8/7c
Parenthood - September 13th 10/9 c
Prime Suspect - September 22nd 10/9 c
Whitney - September 22nd 9:30/8:30c
USA Network
Psych - October 12th 10/9c
Bones - November 3rd 9/8c
House - October 3rd 9/8c
Raising Hope - September 20th 9:30/8:30c
Fringe - September 23rd 9/8c
Glee - September 20th 8/7c
Sons Of Anarchy - September 6th
Justified - NA yet
Desperate Housewives - September 25th 9/8c
Grey's Anatomy - September 22nd 9/8c
Chuck - October 21st 8/7c
Parenthood - September 13th 10/9 c
Prime Suspect - September 22nd 10/9 c
Whitney - September 22nd 9:30/8:30c
USA Network
Psych - October 12th 10/9c
From Texas to Hawaii to Texas to Oklahoma to Texas
Okay ladies and gents yes I know its beeen a looong ol time since the last time I put my fingers to the computer and the computer on to my blog. There is a reason why I have not been on here updating my awesome followers and anyone who else reads this thing. We (the davis bunchh) have gone from Texas to Hawaii from Hawaii to Texas from Texas to Oklahoma from Oklahoma to Texas....we have been in 3 states, and I think about 15 towns in about 11 days! Yeaaap that was a ton of places in such little time. Today I am home and not feeling 100% but I promise you I will get pics and video up asap of Hawaii! I know you all want it!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Hawaii get READY!
Okay so we are going to Hawaii in 2 days...that's right you heard 2 days! We have been counting down these days for like 5 months! lol. We are so excited. Yesterday Keigan actually learned to snorkel so believe we are going to have a freaking blast! We leave Wednesday morning at 8 am and arrive in Oahu Hawaii at 11:30 there time so we have all day Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and then part of Tuesday! We are so ready! Keigan is especially! Okay maybe we all are! Its Hunter, his mom Barbara, his step dad Ron, Keigan and myself! (Thank you Matto for staying with our dogs this entire time we love you) Anyways here is just a glimpse of what we are doing and what we will get to see =))

Waikiki Island
US Arizona / Pearl Harbor
We are SNORKELING!! I have never been nor has Keigan and we are ready!
Then we are going to have some drinks, do some walking, some shopping and over all have the time of our lives!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Awwe you maayyweed?
Okay Keigan has this thing about if someone holds hands, hugs, or kisses you are "maayyweed" aka "married". LOL. She actually likes to ask us if we are or if this person is or that person is? Well EVERY TIME and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME Hunter or I hug or kiss or anything she asks "awwe you guys maayyweed?" What do we say "YES we are!" If she sees her grandparents hold hands "awwe they maayyweed?" If there is a movie on or a tv show on she has to comment on them being married as well. Well now that she has this established she knows she cant kiss a boy, hold a boys hand, or give a boy a hug without being married and Hunter and I think that is an excellent plan haha until she is married!
Well we are off to Granbury to visit Granny B, Pops, Granny Helen, and Baby Paizley. Paizley is Keigans cousin! <- Slade (Hunter's little brother)'s baby. We haven't seen her since the day after she was born and it has been way to stinking long if ya ask me! Coming from his side being divorced and my side being divorced (2x) its so hard to separate our little Davis Bunchh selves to see everyone and make sure we keep our relationships great with everyone ya know? I say its hard but I (Blaine) am the freaking master at it. Let me tell you and maybe its because my parents have been divorced since I was 3 (Keigans age....so sad and hard to believe) and I have been pulled every which way between my Dad's family and my Mom's family...so I learned at very young age to please everyone. If I am going to Oklahoma to see my family (which are all Okiiiies - and I am so proud to be one) I will leave on a Thursday morning. I actually try to leave around 8 or 9am. That way I have all day Thursday, all day Friday, and all day Saturday and half the day on Sunday. Thursday when I get there if my Dad is home I will stop in Terral to see him, for a few hours. I will head to Waurika to see my Mom. Now if all y'all don't know...my whole entire family (my dads and my moms and my xstep dad) live in a 30 mile radius down HWY 81 and 79 lol. VERY EASY to separate ourselves amongst them all! Anyways I will probably stay the night with my Mom Thursday. Friday Morning I will wake up VERY VERY early and go fishing with my Dad and stay with him all day Friday and Friday night and stay the night with him. Saturday morning wake up and go see Rusty (if he isn't to busy, he owns a convenient store) if not I will go hang out with my Uncle Lance and Aunt Lisa at my Nannys house! Eat supper Saturday night with my HUGE great Okkiehommma family. Sunday wake up and hang out with my daddy, eat a big lunch or wait till supper and head home. <- I am a big big family girl and Keigan takes after me because she loves both the families mine and her Daddys just as much! Now Hunters dad lives in Winters (Abilene) and we don't get to see him that often because its a 3 1/2 hour drive but we do try! His mom we get to see A LOT! She lives in Granbury and KEigan loves it that a way! If we don't see her ATLEAST every other weekend Keigan as well as me, and Granny B have a little bit of with drawls lol! ANNNNWAYS sorry I went on and on in the blog and a little off task from my title but if you really want to know how to please everyone in your family you can ask me and ask anyone in my families because I am it!
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