Okay you have hear the term "Beiber Fever" haha well I have "baby fever". Yes its true and if you are all my friends then you know I want another baby. Actually I want a little Hunter =). I think a little boy would complete our little Davis Bunchh. Keigan has probably pushed us in to the baby band wagon with her little pleads of "I just want a babbby brudder?" haha. Yes they are cute and she is cute when she says them lol! I don't know if I have shared this with any of you but I am sure I have, I have a unicornuate uterus. I was diagnosed with this when I was 16 years old. I went to Cancun with Hunters family and I had severe stomach aches or what I thought was stomach aches. Well my mom did radiology and she took me in for a sono to see the inside of my stomach....she is showing "Blaine here's your gall bladder, here's your right kidney, here's you left.....well.....Blaine I don't see your left kidney?"" All worried she calls her friend Marla in and Marla sees the same thing..NO LEFT KIDNEY!! Being 16 it is scary to find out you don't have a kidney where one is suppose to be righttt? Well we schedule an apt with the "lady doc" and she presses on my stomach and I tell her exactly where she is pressing I have pain there. Well she sets me up for a MRI. In the MRI there is a small mass in my left pelvic wall area. She thinks it could be my kidney...just small. She sets me up for a laparoscopy, that is where she goes through my belly button and another small incision to diagnose what the smaller mass is. Well she finds out I sure don't have a kidney....hell I don't even have my uterus on that side. So she finds out I have my right kidney, my right side of my uterus and my right ovary. The small mass that was showing up on the scans is in fact my left ovary. It is sitting in my pelvic wall doing nothing but wasting eggs. So she tells me it will be hard to get pregnant, to keep a baby full term..yadda yadda. Me being 16 all I care about is sports and boys, I could care less about getting pregnant honestly I AM 16!!! Well I get pregnant with Keigan 3 years later, and I am scared very scared, as are my parents! Well I had to get a high risk doctor since I was a high risk pregnancy...well Keigan came a week early and I had a wonderful pregnancy as well as delivery! Now that KEigan is older, and Hunter and I are too...we want another one. Its been kinda hard...We have been trying since Feb 1st. and nothing yet. I get worried that maybe my one ovary is done producing but I pray it isn't. The good thing is having a UU once your 1/2 uterus stretches with your first pregnancy you are able to stretch again however many times so that is a positive! =) I go see my doc at the end of this month and we will see what she says! I know people will say be happy with your one, and stuff like that...but we want another one and we don't care how selfish that sounds if we are both on board as well as Keigan then why not try ya know? Just keep your fingers crossed and pray for us that maybe it will happen sooner then later!

Here is mine
Here it is again
So now you see what I'm working with haha! Fingers crossed and prayers said!!
I don't know how much longer I have so to speak (how many more eggs will be released with my one ovary) so I have left it in Gods hands!
I am praying with u and Hunter. I can't imagine how cute a little Hunter will be and how happy Keigan will b with a baby brudder.. Love you all and you will get every prayer when I say prayers.