Friday, August 19, 2011

TGIF??? Not really =(

So Keigan woke up today and went and laid on the couch. Now I know that when she ends up on the couch its because she came from her bed because she isn't feeling good. This has been going on for about 2 years now...some nights she will eat a few bites and say she is full and she wakes up the next morning so sick. I don't want to come off as a bitch of a mom but when she is sick I make her sit on her daddy's recliner or make her a pallet on the floor not my micro suede couches. Well she woke up this morning on the couch and told me she was very shaky and didn't feel well (the usual morning after not eating a lot). So I make her some breakfast and make her drink some ice water. She moves from the couch to her table, throwing up the whole way. I clean that up and she sits at her table to eat but doesn't, stares at the tv and pukes again. I rush her to the rest room as she continues down the hallway. Okay so I think she is done...honestly (how much can one little 3 year old throw up) I lay her on the couch with a blanket underneath her (just in case) well what do you know she isn't done and the blanket didn't do shit! I call all her grand parents and they are all working =( and so is her daddy.  Trust me if this is your first kiddo you like to call the people that raised you for info, pointers, words of encouragement, and etc....Well Hunter finally calls me back and says give her some chocolate milk and she says she can drink that but she doesn't want to eat anything at all. I give her the milk she drinks about 2 ounces of it then lays on the floor and  BAM there it goes again....I race her once again down the hallway but this time to my bathroom so I can give her a bath and it once again continues all the way till we get there. Okay now I consider myself a strong girl that can handle anything...I mean I can watch scary movies, clean fish, gut a deer, kill animals, and more...but I DO NOT DO THROW UP....let me repeat myself I DO NOT DO FREAKING THROW UP! Okay I could handle it till she drink the damn milk then it was down hill from there. I can do everything but I don't do the smell of it....and my gag reflexes once I do are insane! So I call Hunter and I am bitching at him asking him WHY the hell he would EVER tell me to give her milk and I am crying at the point because I feel helpless because I am a puss when it comes to this shit ya know? What is he doing....HE is laughing his butt off at me and I mean hard laughing! Well I clean it all up SOMEHOW and bathe Keigy. She says she feels better and has apologized for getting sick everywhere and that she wants some in the oven I am putting Totinos Little Pizza, and we are done tip toeing around the house, scrubbing the spots we just tiptoed and done rushing to one end of the house to the everyone please pray that this Friday looks up from here....not throws up from here 

Keigy on the couch - out and sick

Hope my sweet girl gets to feelin better so soon!

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