Okay Keigan has this thing about if someone holds hands, hugs, or kisses you are "maayyweed" aka "married". LOL. She actually likes to ask us if we are or if this person is or that person is? Well EVERY TIME and I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME Hunter or I hug or kiss or anything she asks "awwe you guys maayyweed?" What do we say "YES we are!" If she sees her grandparents hold hands "awwe they maayyweed?" If there is a movie on or a tv show on she has to comment on them being married as well. Well now that she has this established she knows she cant kiss a boy, hold a boys hand, or give a boy a hug without being married and Hunter and I think that is an excellent plan haha until she is married!

Well we are off to Granbury to visit Granny B, Pops, Granny Helen, and Baby Paizley. Paizley is Keigans cousin! <- Slade (Hunter's little brother)'s baby. We haven't seen her since the day after she was born and it has been way to stinking long if ya ask me! Coming from his side being divorced and my side being divorced (2x) its so hard to separate our little Davis Bunchh selves to see everyone and make sure we keep our relationships great with everyone ya know? I say its hard but I (Blaine) am the freaking master at it. Let me tell you and maybe its because my parents have been divorced since I was 3 (Keigans age....so sad and hard to believe) and I have been pulled every which way between my Dad's family and my Mom's family...so I learned at very young age to please everyone. If I am going to Oklahoma to see my family (which are all Okiiiies - and I am so proud to be one) I will leave on a Thursday morning. I actually try to leave around 8 or 9am. That way I have all day Thursday, all day Friday, and all day Saturday and half the day on Sunday. Thursday when I get there if my Dad is home I will stop in Terral to see him, for a few hours. I will head to Waurika to see my Mom. Now if all y'all don't know...my whole entire family (my dads and my moms and my xstep dad) live in a 30 mile radius down HWY 81 and 79 lol. VERY EASY to separate ourselves amongst them all! Anyways I will probably stay the night with my Mom Thursday. Friday Morning I will wake up VERY VERY early and go fishing with my Dad and stay with him all day Friday and Friday night and stay the night with him. Saturday morning wake up and go see Rusty (if he isn't to busy, he owns a convenient store) if not I will go hang out with my Uncle Lance and Aunt Lisa at my Nannys house! Eat supper Saturday night with my HUGE great Okkiehommma family. Sunday wake up and hang out with my daddy, eat a big lunch or wait till supper and head home. <- I am a big big family girl and Keigan takes after me because she loves both the families mine and her Daddys just as much! Now Hunters dad lives in Winters (Abilene) and we don't get to see him that often because its a 3 1/2 hour drive but we do try! His mom we get to see A LOT! She lives in Granbury and KEigan loves it that a way! If we don't see her ATLEAST every other weekend Keigan as well as me, and Granny B have a little bit of with drawls lol! ANNNNWAYS sorry I went on and on in the blog and a little off task from my title but if you really want to know how to please everyone in your family you can ask me and ask anyone in my families because I am it!