Gaww it seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with Keigan. Sometimes I wish it was yesterday....She has just grown up so fast and I know everyone said that she would...but I didn't think it would. She just went to her Papa & Nana's house for about 5 days. I picked her up and I called her Daddy to tell him that I think she grew about 10 inches...not really but she looked so much bigger then the day I dropped her off. Well...that 10 inches I exagerrated about seems to be accurate...she can acutally turn the light switches on now with out a about hit me hard! I started hooing like a freaking baby! My baby is getting so big! It is amazing to watch but sad at the same time. My mom and mother in law say " well wait till shes 16, wait till she has kids of her own." Everyday she is growing up and Im getting older..and I think more emotional haha! But ladies and gents shes 4 now and I am thinking of making all the light switches about 2 inches she can still use her stool and me as a Mama am needed a little bit longer.